Monday, October 16, 2006

S.A.D. in the City

Well, I'm going into my 2nd month back in Toronto. I just moved back here from San Diego, CA (don't ask) for a great position at an Advertising Agency and I have been feeling the downward spiral of my entire being take place at a painfully slow pace.

I don't know what it is - perhaps the fact that it's been pissing rain for a week straight - my mother did always suspect I had Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) due to the fact I would sign my homemade Christmas cards to my relatives "Love, The Saddest Girl in the World". I would also silently weep as I built snowmen in the backyard with my siblings.

My depressed state could also be due to the fact that, aside from different hair styles , most of my East Coast friends have remained some the most repressed people I have ever encountered - but I'll save that for another post.

I have attempted to make myself feel better by instilling a flickering light at the end of my tunnel and writing down my goals for the next 10 months.


a) Bust my over-ambitions little fanny at work for one year. Develop the skills and resume glitz necessary in order to secure a sweet-ass Agency position in SoCal where my body belongs and my heart remains.

b) Survive the vicious, hateful Canadian winter without attempting to slit my wrists with a butter knife, or drown myself in the dirty dishwater that tends to sit in my kitchen sink for 3 to 4 days and make it back to California by August 12, 2007. (My sister is getting married on August 11th and being the Maid of Honor, I guess I should kinda be there).

c) Use my exceptional, newly developed PR skills and let my fellow Canadians know, they really do say "A-BOOT"!

If I stick to the "Operation Cannuck to Cali" strategy, I will be pounding shots of tequila and shoveling fish tacos down my throat in no time .... ah, it's almost enough to make me smile ...

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