Monday, November 27, 2006

The Awkward Hilarity Continues

The following is the conversation that happened between me & my mom yesterday.

Me: Did the new people move in next door already?
Mother: Yeah. Why?
Me: Are you going to make friends with them?
Mother: I don't know. I doubt it.
Me: Why don't you talk to any of your neighbours?
Mother: What do you mean?! I know the people across the street in the white house ...... the Felcher's.
Me: The FELCHER's??? That's seriously their name?
Mother: I think so. Why?
Me: Uhhh... because it means something completely repulsive.
Mother: What?
Me: (Regretting opening my mouth) Nevermind. Something really disgusting. I can't tell you.
Mother: Come on! What does it mean??? Scrotum? Does it mean Scrotum?
Me: No! ... and never say that word again.
Mother: Well, you can't dangle this in front of me and not tell!
Me: It's something gay men do. You don't want to know. Trust me.
Mother: I already know.
Me: No you don't.
Mother: Yes, I do.... it's B.J's. (direct quote.)
Me: Oh My God... no!
Mother: Well, what else it there?
Me: Nothing, forget it.
Mother: .... Shit?? Does it mean shit?
Me: Shit mixed with .... mostly something else ... and it involves a straw.
Mother: (silence.) How could you tell me that?
Me: I warned you!
Mother: No, you're right. I pushed for it.

** The Wikpedia definition for Felching: **
Felching is a sexual practice in which semen is sucked out of another person's anus. The individual sucking the semen may swallow it or pass it, mouth to mouth, to a partner. The colloquial term for the latter act is snowballing.

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