Thursday, January 24, 2008

To CC or not to CC

Emails were shooting around today between the boys regarding the Buick Invitational which happens each year in La Jolla - and uh-oh, Elliot was downgraded to the "cc" column by Wood. He didn't take too kindly to that - here's the email that came back:

By Elliot

Re: Cc This, Muhfucka.

Thanks for the fucking courtesy copy, Wood. What the fuck. Is it too much to ask that I be included among those whom the email was intended to be received by? I mean what is the point of really going out of your way to specifically single me out as somebody not worthy of the same consideration as those whom the email was directly sent to?

I understand that you are basically saying “You are my friend so I want to keep you in the loop, but I know that you probably won’t go because you are too busy awesoming in Hollywood.” But is it too much to ask that you just include me with the rest of your friends? Or has 15+ years of friendship gone by the wayside? By adding my name to the “To” column, rather than the bitch-ass “Cc”, I promise you that I will not feel pressured to attend the fucking Buick Invitational. In fact, maybe I would be more inclined to attend because I would feel as though I were part of a fraternity where my input was valued and appreciated. But instead, I am treated as a third-class citizen, relegated to the periphery, hoping that one day I can be in the in-crowd of those in the “To” column.

I got news for you, fucking Steve: I have the memory of an elephant (who smoked a lot of weed over the span of their elephant life) and I won’t soon forget the treatment I received today. As you can see through those squinty little bloodshot eyes of yours, I have sent this email to my favorite little blogger to ensure that this day will be remembered a long time from now as the day when yours truly stood up and said, “FUCK THAT”!

PS. Wood was cc'd.

PPS. I bolded and enlarged the most important sentence in this post. Why? Cuz I can.


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