Wednesday, February 27, 2008

"I'll follow you down 'til the sound of my voice will haunt you."

I love Fleetwood Mac.

Thankfully, I was blessed with a father who loved great music and ensured this passion was ingrained in his children from birth (he taught us about Zeppelin, Floyd and CCR before he taught us table manners).

The thing about The Mac that I was always drawn to was the Lindsay /Stevie angst - it's fucking divine. This particular performance is off the chain, because "Silver Springs" is about immortalizing a love affair through art. Stevie has said that she hoped her songs about Lindsay would ensure that she'd be burnt into his psyche forever. The music they made together guarantees they will be dicking each other over in spectacular fashion for all of eternity.

Even if you hate Fleetwood Mac, you have to at least watch the end of this. The way she looks at him when she sings "Never get away..." CHA-HILLS runnin' up my spine, brother!

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