Thursday, September 13, 2007

It's more about the "beats" than the "bells" ... per se

My sister just got married. Congratulations A & C. It was the best wedding I have ever attended - and I'm not just saying that. EVER.

Me on the other hand was never was the kind of girl to dream about her wedding growing up. Now that I am at the over-the-hill, I still do not dream of my future wedding. And no, it's not because I don't have a boyfriend right now. I HAD boyfriend and I can honestly say that I just I wasn't feelin' the wedding thang.

There is one thing that I do think about, and that is the song I will dance to with my future husband. Song choice is critical to me. It dictates who you are as a couple. Pick something too sentimental and people will laugh. Pick something too edgy, and well, people will laugh. (And by people, I mean me). The song could potentially be more important to me than the sacrament of marriage itself. I'm totally serial. I'd get married just for the song ... okay, and the money.

Even though I am unsure at this point who my respective spouse will be, my #1 choice is "Iris" by Goo Goo Dolls. "No Butterfly Kisses" or "This I Promise You" by N'Sync. ......(although "Givin' Up the Nappy Dugout" by Ice Cube is still in the running).

Now my friend got married in 2004 (she's my age). Considering she has been blessed with a friend with stellar musical taste (me) you would think she had plenty of good solid choices or at least someone to consult.



She danced with her husband.....wait for it..... yeah. "Heaven" by Bryan Adams. HEAVEN!! Now don't get me wrong, I love me a little Summer of '69 and Cuts Like a Knife, but come on. My innocence is lost. I can never appreciate the greatness that is Robin Hood Prince of Thieves again--

Oh. But wait.

It gets better.

Guess what song she danced to with her dad.

Seriously. Guess.

Give up?

"The Circle of Life" by Elton John.


Now although I was a "mature woman" at the time, you don't know how difficult it was to restrain myself from interrupting the whole thing with the Hakuna Matada dance. Really really really REALLY restrain myself. Like Hannibal Lector in that freaky looking mask restrained.

Is there a lesson to be learned from all this? Hmmm tough call, but I would say the lesson is that my dear friend has absolutely no taste in music and her husband has no balls.

On a brighter note, her wedding was one of the first times I ever barfed out of my nose, so for that, I will always be grateful.

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