Monday, February 05, 2007

Chop Stix

I was out for drinks with my friend last week and she was telling me about her cousin who is getting married at the end of the month .... Apparently, she and her cousin don't really see eye to eye and she was complaining about how her cousin had recently changed her Vietnamese name, Chin, to Ashley because it's a little more "common". My friend suspects that she only did this because she wants her name to "match" her husband-to-be's name ... Victor ... and I'm not even lying.

Seriously. Ashley and Victor. I know.

So, later that night I was telling the ex-boyfriend the story ... not that he would would even get it (he doesn't watch Y&R), but because I was buzzed and the only things I could retrieve from my memory happened within the previous two hours ..

Me: "So, her cousins name is Chin and she changed it to Ashley .... AND .... her fiancee's name's Victor! What is that?"

Ex B-Friend: "Dude, if I were Asian and my name were Chin I would totally change it to Chink."

Sometimes, I just love that fucker ...

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