Saturday, December 15, 2007

As requested: Things you may not know about moi.

I don’t believe honesty is always the best policy.

I have massive road rage and a cement foot. My licence has been suspended twice.

Marriage makes me uncomfortable, but I think I'm starting to believe in monogamy and fidelity.

I always leave a big tip.

I make the same mistakes over and over again. It's not that I don't learn from them, it's just that I choose to ignore the outcomes.

Libraries make me nervous. Too much selection.

I can’t sleep unless the room is completely dark.

I really, really, really dislike dairy products on skin.

I steal snapshots of moments in my days and relive them when I’m sleeping. Sometimes, I change the outcomes.

I don’t regret even the worst decisions I've made. Honestly.

My family is the most important thing in my life. Without one second of hesitation.

I love being alone, but when I want company, the urge is overwhelming.

Certain guitar riff's make me cry.

I don’t believe in soulmates.

I don’t like my hands.

I am obsessed with the smell of sulpher.

I can’t take naps.

I have a huge affinity for the South (particularly Alabama and Georgia).

I can read in Italian better than I can speak it. And understand it spoken better than I can read it.

I don’t sing in the shower, but I do when I take a bath.

I still remember my junior high school locker combination.

Cooking shows relax me.

I have scars on my left fingers from a pumpkin carving altercation with my brother.

I have too much self control when it comes to love.

I prefer Jack Daniels to wine, but I think wine is sexier.

I look at things and see what they are not.

I like cheap, dirty jokes.

I can count to ten in Japanese and can say “Go upstairs and put your sweater on” in Greek.

I don’t like to think about my future. I used to all the time, and it was making me anxious.

I used to have a Japanese fighter fish named "Dwayne Lee".

I never learned to type with the right fingers.

Sometimes I wake up and think my dreams from the night before are real.

I sometimes forgive but I definitely never forget.

I am more optimistic now than I have ever been.

I think people’s flaws say the most about them.

I suck at math.

I despise winter.

I’m not afraid of death; but I'm afraid of what will kill me.

I’d rather not know, than know.

My lasagna will change your life.

Make me laugh and I'm yours.

1 comment:

Angela said...

i like you.
xo angela