Friday, April 24, 2009

Warm Weather = Warm Feelings

Looking back at the evolution of things, of me and where and who I am now, I don't think I've ever been the type of person who has all the answers. As with a lot of things, sureness has always teased my fingertips with its allure, but I've never been able to get a good grasp.

It seemed that I was destined to wear this heavy necklace of uncertainty, always dangling near my heart, whispering a world possibilities I could never seem to turn a deaf ear to.

I'm not someone who deals well with impossibilities.

The "I love you" that was buried so deeply it took years of digging to unearth him.
The blinding turn of his attention. The tide of him.


I've never been patient yet this stubborn will is learning to bend instead of always finding itself hurled against a wall. I am now at ease not having to constantly sweep up a mess - I never thought I would be.

I used to long for days when easy words yielded easy answers and I knew I would have to fight for them.

Those days have arrived.

Days like this.

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