Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Okay. So, hi. I've totally slacked the past week or so but I was in NY and I also moved. So, yeah. I moved. A big part of me is sad. And I feel like a loser. Millions of people have mortgages. Millions of people own homes. I'm just not going to be one of them. At least right now.

However, a whole other big part of me is relieved. Living in between a liquor store and the beer store has its obvious advantages. But really. One of these days, I'm going to want to get knocked up and you can't have a baby near a liquor store... can you? It's just weird and wrong. Is it? Also there's some sort of nursing home for alcoholic amputees in the nieghborhood so about once a week, there's about 5 or 6 people with only about 8 limbs between them, sitting in my alley swigging beer.

Otherise, the new place has its plusses. It's bigger. It has rooms and closets and exposed brick walls. I have an amazing terrace with a fire pit. My neighbors are cool. It's on a really quiet street. My old place was a cement box loft with train tracks a few blocks away. It was really fucking loud. And bright. Even with all of the lights turned off in my place, it was almost bright enough to read. The new place is dark. And quiet. I've been sleeping like a lamb.

One thing about my new place - I did have an uninvited houseguest. Possibly the largest spider I have ever seen. He lived in the doorway of my terrace - and he wouldn't let me out ...I tried to coax the cable guy into exterminating the spider but he literally almost cried when he saw it. So I sprayed it with hairspray, Windex, and Pledge. Nothing worked. I was finally able to succeed... took an entire can of hairspray, half a can of carpet stain remover and a boot. But it's dead. There was some question as to the size of the spider. The body was not quite as big as my forefinger and thumb making an 'ok' sign. But if I used my pinkie finger and my thumb, it was approximately that big. And its web was easily 5' by 3'. I know this because I discoverd the spider by walking my face into the web. But we can all rest assured, the dinosaur spider is no more. Rest in peace, little fucker.

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